Social media has been around for ages and as restaurant owners, we know that it will be a great place to promote the business as many customers are using their social media platforms to find products and services that they need.
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But, as independent restaurant owners, we know that it will be quite confusing how to leverage well the appropriateness of the social media platform. So here are some tips for you to easily think about what content will be best engaged with by each social media platform.
How do I make the most of Facebook?
Facebook is one of the oldest social media platforms that is catered to the older generation. Creating your restaurant page on Facebook can be a place where you can also put your location, contact information, and website.
Facebook can be a place to share your stories to build community- these can be stories about your employees and customers to show the human side of the business.
Also, it is a place where you can get and share reviews. Like Yelp, Facebook reviews can attract people’s attention when they see good reviews about you.
You can also share behind the scene contest, promote a contest, share recipes, or promote seasonal menu items to further attract customers.
How do I make the most of Instagram?
With Instragam, think about targeting the millennial generation. While Facebook focuses on stories through words and feedback, Instagram is about pictures. Be sure to create an appealing visual of what you’re promoting on the platform to make the consumers engaged with your Instagram page.
Consider using tools like Canva or Adobe Photoshop to further enhance the quality of your photos.
Always remember to partner your captions with hashtags to make them more discoverable as they are keyphrases that people search for.
Also, with added features like Stories and Live, you can capitalize on them in giving your followers quick updates about your restaurant.
Putting your online ordering website on your IG bio will also help your customers to directly order from your website.
How do I make the most of Tiktok?
TikTok is one of the newest social media platforms that have a massive social media following. If Instagram takes advantage of photo sharing, Tiktok capitalizes on short forms of videos where you can add sounds, songs, special effects, and filters to their videos. Users can like, comment on, and share the content.
You can use TikTok to share your restaurant’s dining experience, and menu specials or you can also team up with Influencers to promote your restaurant.
Adding special effects and sounds could help in stopping users to scroll and being engaged with your content. You can also join the emerging trending TikTok trends to increase your following and create viral posts.
How do I make the most of Twitter?
If Instagram is to photos and Tiktok is to videos, Twitter is to words. Use your Twitter account to promote deals of the day. One of our restaurants uses Twitter to let followers know what specific menu is being offered that day. Since there are 5 out of 34 gourmet menu items that are mixed and matched daily to be offered to its patrons.
Twitter can also be an avenue to thank customers and request them to share their reviews. Also, use Twitter to spread out news about your local events and restaurant insights.
How do I make the most of YouTube?
Did you know that YouTube is the second-largest social media platform and there are about a billion hours of YouTube videos watched every single day? With only a handful of businesses on the platform, it is good to take advantage of the platform.
Youtube Shorts allows you to post 30-60 seconds of video, and make use of scene to provide behind the scene activities of your restaurant, customers’ reviews and testimonials, and some event highlights that is happening to your restaurant.
Concluding Thoughts
Social media is a good opportunity to promote your business and gain visibility on social media platforms. If you don’t know where to begin your social media marketing journey, you can contact DevourNow offering restaurant marketing services.